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FAQ about AiS AliveProxy

How to select several records in a table?

There are three ways:

  1. Point mouse to the most left column of the first specified record, press left mouse button, move mouse to the last specified record and release mouse button.
  2. Point mouse to the most left column of the first specified record, press Crlr on keyboard and left mouse button, move mouse to the next specified record and press Ctrl + left mouse button again, repeat the action for all specified records.
  3. Point mouse to the most left column of the first specified record, click left mouse button, move mouse to the last specified record and press Shift on keyboard and left mouse button.

How to determine optimal number of thread for your computer?

You can use the following algorithm of selection optimal number of treads for checking proxy or solving tasks.

  1. Setup 10 threads in settings.
  2. Start checking proxy list and show your CPU Usage.
  3. If it is less 100% then add some threads and see on CPU Usage again.
  4. If CPU Usage is always 100% then decrease number of threads.

Attention!!! Such values of proxy checking as speed and ping may be incorrect if you use many tread for proxy checking. The reason is competition of threads for connection bandwidth. Therefore you have to increase timeouts.

How to set proxy server for surfing?

If you use built-in proxy server for surfing you can set the proxy server address, which will be used. The simplest way to do it is pressing the button "Use for surfing" in Proxy list database or in Test task or in Resolving tasks log. If you cannot find wanted proxy server in the tables when add new record to the proxy list database and enter the proxy servers' IP and Port. After that you can press the button "Use for surfing" to install the proxy server for surfing in the built-in proxy server.

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